Now you can protect your original works from unlawful usage with an automatically generated purchase code which is individual for each product. It is issued during the purchase process and is mated with the product’s License Certificate.
With its help, every author can determine if purchased assets are used according to all the terms and regulations. The purchase code will work for uploaded templates and plugins presented on the TemplateMonster marketplace and covered by the MonsterONE subscription.
It’s really important to have the purchase code. We’ll show you how to create a Purchase code and why it’s so helpful in a short walkthrough video.
The use of the purchase code is not mandatory. Each author chooses whether to use it or not. If you decide that your items should have it, there are a couple of things to consider:
We’ve analyzed and evaluated the effectiveness of the purchase code to conclude that it can effectively address possible security gaps. We strongly recommend using it to protect authors’ rights. Please don’t hesitate to contact us via online support if you have any additional questions regarding using a purchase code. Hurry up and secure your artwork without delay!
We’re using OAuth 2.0 for user authorization. You have to get and save access_token & refresh_token in
your storage, TTL for access_token is 14 days, for refresh token is 30 days. Refresh your access token every 10-12 days. Get a purchase code from a customer and check it.
For get access_token & refresh_token send request:
You have to change your password every 180 days.
If token_type is required_password_change, visit and change it
You have to confirm your new IP. If token_type is confirm_new_ip, check your email and confirm new IP.
Access token is qzpLFWKjq7WiS75BJjeuQPo284b4rLd88jTOiO8o
Status Code: 200
"scopes":{"deliveries":{"id":"deliveries","description":"service deliveries"}}
Status Code: 401
Refresh token is BPwqOqEUBYo5euwHUppphXB7ia8nI5keFI5Qhwwl
Status Code: 200
"access_token": "Ec4n98WjhP2SAjwhvO9jnAZaWQQs7anUmIvx7Gwj",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 1209600,
"refresh_token": "H6LYjXeOUcF0vSKogVK8wa2ko4TXWsIcZinOBZZa",
"owner_id": null
Status Code: 400
Status Code: 200
"id": "620102a923771e1e705ec1a5",
"user_id": "682040",
"order_id": "Fjwt1aHvisdRZpR28sDB",
"product_id": "57671",
"product_type": "template",
"provider": "Delivery",
"name": "downloadLink",
"type": "link",
"value": null
Status Code: 404