Key Product Assessment Criteria

15 February 2023

Prior to submitting the template, please make sure that the product meets the following requirements.

Before the product is checked by us it will also be checked

  1. for the presence of a virus in the archive;
  2. if the live preview url is available;
  3. if the live preview url contains malicious content or threats.

The authors may receive such error texts:

  1. The product archive contains viruses, please check your zip files.
  2. The live demo is not working, please fix it.
  3. Check your live demo for malicious content and threats.

Avoid Copyright Violation

Violation types:

  • A product, or any of its elements, is used illegally: a person or company representing a product without copyright ownership;
  • An author takes the original project of another author and denotes it as a new copyright record.
  • As a result of checking a template, we discovered fonts, plugins, modules, etc. do not belong to the “open source” category of products. After addressing a person/company that represented a product, a license was not provided.

Related article: What if copyright is infringed?


The design should be unique and reflect the template’s topic and functionality.

The unique design is one that highlights the template’s concept and features, with an unusual layout, the smart placement of blocks and objects, and high-quality typography. The template should not look like the majority of similar products.

Related articles:


Outdated products cannot be accepted for sale.

The template can be rejected if the platform version is too old or no longer supported officially.

If the marketing niche is oversaturated with such types of products/functionality, the template can be rejected. In this case, you can adapt templates to related narrow niche topics.

Related articles:

The Product Description 

Product Description must be unique and consist of at least 512 characters.

Make sure to remove typos and mistakes from the product description so it could be error-free and readable for customers.

Once you update your product with new features, pages, extensions, or modules, you should add the change log to the description with a date of adding the new version of the product and a brief description of changes.

Don’t forget to add an excerpt to your product, there is a special field for that in the Product Uploader. The excerpt’s max length is 200 characters.

A product card within the listing will display the excerpt.

Related article:

Preview Images of the Product 

Preview materials of the product should reflect the product’s niche, functionality, and topic.

Bright, clear, and readable images stand out in the product listing and draw attention to your product.

Even top-quality templates can be rejected because of stretched or poorly designed preview materials.

Please avoid adding promotional text to the product images.

Related article:

Template Content

Uploading, posting, emailing, or otherwise transmitting any links leading to third parties, other marketplaces, social network profiles, and contact details are prohibited.

The template that includes this information cannot be approved for sale unless the author removes this content.

Dummy content is recommended for use in the template’s demo.

The content of the template should be in English only.

The template’s content, blocks, and forms should look exactly like the live demo after installation. Otherwise, the product is considered misleading.

Related article: 

Product Title

The name of the product should not consist of more than 5-6 words.

The product title should not be generic, custom and the unique brandable title is required.

Please do not add the product type to the title.

Live Demo

The Live Demo should look exactly like an installed template.

The templates that are hosted on free servers cannot be accepted for sale.

The Live Demo should NOT include online chats, third-party links, and contact details, ‘target=”_blank”.


The documentation of the template should be written in good English and include detailed info on how to install, use and edit the product.

The documentation should be placed separately from the product source files.

The compatibility and recommended environment for using your product should be added to the documentation of the product.


The duplicated products cannot be approved for sale.

If you need to resubmit the product, please fix the info on its previous version.

The templates that are already selling on the marketplace should be updated via the existing version of the product.

If the product was removed from sale, please contact us at to restore the product and add the fixed version.

Product Details 

Please make sure to add relevant information about your product that will make the item searchable within the TemplateMonster product range and search engines.

This information includes:

  • Keywords
  • Product subject and topics
  • Meta description
  • Meta title

If you have a shopping cart issue when downloading a WooСommerce theme (the products are not added at all or only one product is added and disappears as the page is reloaded) here is the fix:
“- SameSite=Noneallow-same-origin: If this token is not used, the resource is treated as being from a special origin that always fails the same-origin policy (potentially preventing access to data storage/cookies and some JavaScript APIs).

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